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the Something/Anything tapes

16-Feb 1974

Berkeley Community Theatre, Berkeley, Ca
Something/Anything (Andy), Florentine Pogen/Kung Fu, Penguin In Bondage, T'Mershi Duween, Dog/Meat, Montana, Dupree's Paradise Story (amusing story by FZ)/Dupree's Paradise, Cosmik Debris, Pygmy Twylyte, Idiot Bastard Son (altered lyrics), Cheepnis, Approximate, Inca Roads

17-Feb 1974

Robertson's Gymnasium, Santa Barbara, Ca
Cheepnis Preamble, Pygmy Twylyte, The Idiot Bastard Son, Cheepnis, Dupree's Paradise

24-Feb 1974

Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, Ca
Cosmik Debris, Andy (working version, doesn't even have a name yet), Florentine Pogen, Kung Fu, Penguin In Bondage, T'Mershi Duween, Dog/Meat, RDNZL, Village Of The Sun (funky version, with solos), Echidna's Arf, Don't You Ever Wash That Thing?

5-Mar 1974

Civic Center, Dallas, Tx
Montana, Dupree's Paradise, Pygmy Twylyte, Idiot Bastard Son, Cheepnis, Andy, Florentine Pogen, Kung Fu, Penguin In Bondage, T'Mershi Duween, Dog Meat, RDNZL, Village Of The Sun, Echidna's Arf, Don't You Ever Wash That Thing?, Inca Roads

8-Mar 1974

Soldier's and Sailor's Memorial Hall, Kansas City, MO
Cosmik Debris, Montana, Dupree's Paradise (incl Carolina Hardcore Ecstacy), Pygmy Twylyte, The Idiot Bastard Son, Cheepnis, Andy, Florentine Pogen, Kung Fu, Penguin In Bondage, T'Mershi Duween, Dog Meat, RDNZL, Echidna's Arf, Don't You Ever Wash That Thing?, King Kong, Chunga's Revenge, Mr Green Genes

9-Mar 1974

Travel & Transport Building, Oklahoma City, Ok
Montana, Dupree's Paradise, Cosmik Debris, Pygmy Twylyte, The Idiot Bastard Son, Cheepnis, Inca Roads, Andy, Florentine Pogen, Kung Fu, Penguin In Bondage, T'Mershi Duween, Dog Breath Vars, Uncle Meat, RDNZL, Village Of The Sun

15-Mar 1974

Paramount Theatre, Seattle, Wa
Pygmy Twylyte, The Idiot Bastard Son, Cheepnis, Inca Roads, Cosmik Debris, Babbette, Approximate, Montana, Dupree's Paradise, Andy, Florentine Pogen, Kung Fu, Penguin In Bondage, T'Mershi Duween, Dog Breath Vars, Uncle Meat, RDNZL, Village Of The Sun, Camarillo Brillo Intro, Pygmy Twylyte, The Idiot Bastard Son, Cheepnis, Inca Roads, Cosmik Debris, Babbette, Approximate, Montana, Duprees Paradise, Andy, Florentine Pogen, Kung Fu, Penguin In Bondage, T'Mershi Duween, Dog Breath Vars, Uncle Meat, RDNZL, Village Of The Sun

For detailed information on each song plus other miscellaneous Winter 1974 data, go to Foggy's...
We're Only In It for the Touring

For furthur information on these shows, including times and sound qualities, go to...
Jon Naurin's set list page

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